Chadsmead Primary Academy

Housepoint Reward System

Housepoint Reward system


We have introduced a housepoint system.  Our four houses are connected to Lichfield. 


Each child is placed in a House and remains a member of this team throughout their time at the school.  Siblings are placed in the same House team. House Captains are elected from Year 6 pupils and they provide positive leadership to the children in their House and the various competitions and events organised throughout the year.


Earning Housepoints

House Points are awarded by all staff to children for a variety of reasons. 

For example:

  •         Polite, well-mannered behaviour
  •         Demonstrating a caring attitude towards peers
  •         Working to the best of their ability
  •         Special effort
  •         Presentation of work
  •         Positive attitude
  •         Sporting achievement
  •         Taking part in competitions and events
  •         Helpful approaches to different situations



Every week, the house points are counted by our House Captains and a weekly winner announced during our Star Assembly every Friday. The winning team will tie their coloured ribbon to the house cup. Over the course of a term, a winner is announced, and the children in that house are rewarded with a special event or treat in consultation with school council. At the end of the year the House Champions will be announced.

The children will collect their housepoints on an individual card.  They collect housepoints by colouring a star on the card.  When they reach a multiple of 100 they will be awarded a certificate, which will also be given during Star Assembly.  It is expected that children will acquire housepoints quickly and therefore certificates given in our regular reward ceremony ensures they are not waiting too long to receive their individual reward.  This is a change to previous systems when certificates were handed out half termly. Please note the Star Assemblies will now only be attended by pupils.

This system aims to encourage a real sense of pride and achievement for the children.  It fosters community spirit and gives the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger, which involves children from all year groups. The older children are positive role models and take on a pastoral role for the younger children.

The system will inevitably take a little while to become established and may need some tweaks along the way; your understanding and patience during this implementation phase will be greatly appreciated.  Every year the school council will be given the opportunity to review the system and propose new ideas.