Mrs Baines
Languages Lead
As pupils at Chadsmead school move into Key Stage 2, we introduce a modern foreign language to their curriculum. We want our pupils to have a fun, positive experience of learning languages which will enable them to flourish with confidence when they begin high school MFL.
Our chosen language of French is taught through the ‘Language Angels’ online teaching programme, which has been designed to correspond with the National Curriculum for modern foreign languages.
Pupils begin learning basic French grammar and vocabulary in lower KS2, which is built upon and further developed as they progress into upper KS2, through a range of themed units. Songs, stories, ‘Talk Tasks’ and written activities are used to engage pupils and consolidate learning.
Pupils’ ability to read, write and speak French is continually assessed during lessons and through end of unit quizzes which inform future learning.
It is our intention to ensure that, by time pupils leave Chadsmead, they have acquired an understanding of different cultures and how important other languages can be in their future. We want to nurture an attitude of resilience in our pupils, enabling them to tackle additional languages on entry to high school.