Chadsmead Primary Academy

School Meals & Snacks

School Meals at Chadsmead

We are proud to be able to offer our children a daily choice of a two course lunch with a drink.

We believe that the school lunchtime is a wonderful opportunity for all our children to sit down together and enjoy a healthy and tasty meal, whilst developing their social skills.

Our Catering partner, Miquill School Catering Services, ensure that every meal is cooked and served to the Department for Education’s School Food Standards. Details of these can be found at School Food Standards - Food for Life

Miquill have been awarded the Catering contract from Monday 10th June 2024. Under the new contract, the kitchen staff will remain the same and will be providing a wide range of freshly prepared meals with seasonal and locally sourced ingredients, to ensure every meal is tasty and nutritious.

Specific dietary requirements are catered for, please arrange to see the Bursar if your child has any dietary requirements.

The cost of a school dinner is £2.60 per day and is payable via Parentpay.

Every child in Reception and Years 1 and 2 is entitled to a free school meal, under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal program. This is an excellent scheme which means that your child can eat a school meal every day, saving parents/carers money and time. They can choose a lighter option of a sandwich or jacket potato if they have a meal at home after school. Please encourage your child to select this option.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 may also be entitled to a free school meal if their parent/carer is in receipt of certain benefits. To apply for this please go to: or come to the Office and we can apply for you. We receive additional funding based on the number of children claiming benefit related free school meals, so by successfully applying you will help to increase our budget to support your child in school.

Snacks in School
In EYFS children are provided with a healthy snack of fruit and vegetables and a carton of milk or brain juice. 
Fruit will be available for children in Years 1 & 2 or they may wish to bring in their own healthy snack from home.
Snack is available for children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6, when paid for and ordered on a Monday, monies will not be collected at any other time during the week.  Their snack will be delivered to the children in the classroom and will consist of toast and costs £1 for the week, please provide exact money as no change will be given to limit the touching of money. Alternatively, children may wish to bring their own healthy snack from home.