Chadsmead Primary Academy

Religion & Worldviews

Mrs  Dennis

Mrs Dennis

RE Lead

The role of Religions and Worldviews at Chadsmead is to help prepare and equip all pupils for life and citizenship in today’s diverse Britain. Our curriculum teaches children about what it means to be human, about how different people live their lives and about how these people come together to form the community in which they live.

A worldview is a person’s way of understanding, experiencing, and responding to the world. Worldviews can be religious (organised) or non-religious (personal). Through our curriculum children will explore both and the diversity of our world. This will be through answering big questions such as: Why do people pray? What difference does being a Muslim make to daily life? What if people don’t believe in God? Why do people make pilgrimages?

Children will be introduced to stories and festivals in EYFS including harvest, weddings, and the Bible. In Key stage 1, the children will focus on Christianity using storytelling, drama, art, objects to explore Christian life. They will also be introduced to Islam and Judaism. Lower Key Stage 2 move on to how other religious people live their lives. Exploring Humanism, Buddhism and Sikhi as well as looking at how beliefs become actions in the community. Upper Key Stage 2 will focus on how people of faith are inspired by their beliefs and what we can learn from sacred texts about how we can live our lives. We also explore complex ideas such as different people’s ideas about how the world was created and what can be done to reduce racism and can religion help.

Children are assessed after completing a unit to answer a big question. The knowledge they have gained is assessed verbally, through artwork and written annotations. 

Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.